Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Migrant Workers Don't Kill Trucks

Migrant Workers Don't Kill Trucks

Nietzsche found the origin
of the metrical foot in walking.

So with rhythm
which foot marks.

Nietzsche dances on the page.

In the First World
(it was named so by Americanos)
walking by free citizens
is in its last throes.

The beat is technical and passive.

Rhythm is vicarious.

Gringo television
(as can be seen with the sound off)
is a jumble of images
every so often interrupted
by commercial drumming.

Rhyme is not a crime.
Real rhythm takes time.
Some people still walk before they talk.

These are growing statistics:
migrant workers
(mostly Mexican)
walking along highways
in los Estados Unidos being killed
by cars and trucks.

They are mostly walking to work.

Some of these are homicides.

Perhaps one will title this little episode
(technically a conceit were it prose)
" Pancho Villa Road "

What do you think? Is it humorous enough for you?

(copyright EAC)


Kort said...

Gringo television? What about Latin television?

An eclectic blog and off to a good start. I am proud to provide the first comment, such as it is.

And in related news:

"...If dramatic advances in productivity can replace more and more human labour, resulting in more workers being let go from the workforce, where will the consumer demand come from to buy all the potential new products and services?",,1159776,00.html

Thorndike Pickledish said...

This is a great bit o' writing --and the cosmic wallpaper that goes with it isn't bad either...if they were more 'rappy' Los lobos woulda covered it by now !
fine fine brainwork!

wattee said...

hopalong is rapping along! i like it!