Saturday, December 29, 2007

Teknolojical Rationalitee

"When the savages are hungry, they scatter in the forest, they begin the exorcisms, and beg the animals with tasty have pity on them and fall in their nets and feed the human race that is in danger...."

[Nikos Kazantzakis]

To view at smaller size, right click on image and check "Show All". The image will play at smaller scale.

One may also click on the image twice and go directly to the posting at YouTube.

Ballistics Descending A Staircase

"Spatially speaking, he stands in doorways and presides as janitor over entrances and exits; in the temporal sense he is the beginning: his month is Januarius, the first month, standing between the year that is beginning and the one that has ended. He faces two directions because every passage implies two places, two states, one left behind and one being approached. Janus is a hinge, a pivot...."

[Octavio Paz, after Dumezil on Marcel Duchamp]

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Kala Christougena

"Then he starts a new sentence, abandons it before he finishes the first two words. You can feel from his agitation that it is his first time on the air and he does not yet feel at home. 'Yes,' he says after a little while, 'an ancient Egyptian said, 'Happy is he who has seen the most water in his life....'"

[Helen Kazantzakis]

Best viewed at smaller size. Right click on image and check "Show All". The image will play at smaller scale.

One may also click on the image twice and go directly to the posting at YouTube.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


"Grant that the putative difference between appearance and reality, whether or not it is a real difference or merely an apparent one--the latter possibility in itself being a luscious idea--grant that whatever this difference, one can say safely enough that no one has ever made the argument that appearances are somehow not perceived...."

[E. A. C. Paleolithic Patronage]

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Ouah Ouah

"Philosophy approaches this goal to the degree to which it frees thought from its enslavement by the established universe of discourse and behavior, elucidates the negativity of the Establishment (its positive aspects are abundantly publicized anyway) and projects its alternative...."

[Herbert Marcuse]

Best viewed at smaller size. Right click on image and check "Show All". The image will play at smaller scale.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Xmas At Ground Zero

"Not a creature was stirring not even a mouse...."

Note: From original digital photographs of Weird Al Yankovic by Elsa Celestina Costa.